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hanya ingin berbagi....
lengkap dengan tutorial bergambar, check this out
Nah sebelumnya saya beritahu bagi yang belum tahu apa itu IDM....
Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a shareware download manager and accelerator tool for managing Internet browser downloads. It is only available for the Microsoft Windows operating system.
IDM allows users to automatically download any file types, divides downloads into multiple streams for faster downloading, batch downloading, Import and Export of download jobs, auto/manual update of download address, supports multiple queues and lists recent downloads for easy access to files. It can search for mirrors in order to increase download speeds and also supports downloading videos from many streaming video sites. The IDM algorithm includes dynamic segmentation throughout the downloading process. IDM supports HTTP, FTP, HTTPS and MMS protocols, Microsoft ISA and FTP proxy servers and authentication protocols like Basic, Negotiate, NTLM, and Kerberos allowing for storage and auto-authentication of user names and passwords.
The software ships in two versions. One is a free, 30-day trial (some versions are a 15-day trial). The application stops functioning at the end of the trial period unless a license is purchased. The other version is commercial for continual use. IDM works with Internet Explorer, Opera, Netscape Navigator, Apple Safari, Flock, Google Chrome, Mozilla, and Mozilla Firefox.
Step by step tutorial :
1. Download Patch/Keygennya disini, Password rar nya :
2. Extract file rar tersebut, lalu jalankan KEYPATCH.exe
4. Kembali ke KEYPATCH.exe klik Clear Previous registration data
5. Klik Patch server check dan arahkan ke IDMan.exe default foldernya berada di C:\Program Files\Cafe Programs\Internet Download Manager, lalu masukan serial number dari keypatch tersebut ke IDM, untuk first name, last name, email terserah anda.
6. Anda berhasil membuat IDM anda FULL VERSION...^_^
7. Jika anda ingin update IDM dengan versi yang lebih baru, cukup download IDM dengan update terbaru lalu install seperti biasa setelah selesai akan keluar peringatan bahwa IDM anda di registrasi dengan serial number palsu, cukup di close saja.
8. Buka KEYPATCH.exe dan lakukan Patch server check seperti langkah - langkah diatas, tetapi jangan klik Clear Previous registration data agar tidak perlu repot register lagi...
9. Selamat mencoba.
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