Enough for HTML, now back to javascipt, now i will share simple javascipt for disable text selection. Just i say before just a knowledge..hhehe...
Enough for talk check it out ^_^
Hey, now notes in Facebook support HTML ? wow, now you can make your notes more alive and colorfull. You can use HTML tag in my post earlier, i heard Facebook ever activated HTML in notes in the past but they deactivated that featured, but now they reactived again. I do now why they do that, just enjoy it because you can make your notes interesting for our friends to see our notes ^_^.
This is a very basic HTML code, just want to sharing. This tag HTML is for changing teks display in your site, this tag is usefull for wapmaster because many wapsite is use HTML in their page different with blog or web is using PHP. Go to the tutorial.
Now simple script again, ^_^ this script is about change your background site depend what day is it. In this script i will share about changing background color, not image, discover by yourself how to do that..hhehe..
Now i will share PHP script for display last update file date, i think this is usefull for knowing what file recently upload by our member in our site. This is just simple script, i think all of you can do this. Just check it out
Ohhh...this is suck, Indonesia rank drops again T_T. As Indonesian i'm really sad about this, i like football very much but my achievement country is horrible, i think we need new coach just like Jose Mourinho, Pep Guardiola, Sir Alex and many more.. hmmm....ok, i will tell my opinion to PSSI and surely they will kick my ass..hhahaha..
Our beloved browser, Firefox will release the final version Firefox 7 sooner, i think about a week. So now they release RC version or usually called Release Candidat. i won't tell you the different in this version, just check it out...hhehe..
This is a little bit explanation about Firefox 7 Release Candidat.
This is what I've read in news about features in IE10 (Internet Explorer 10) on Windows 8 in the future, i hope Internet Explorer will be better next time, because i think the previous version is suck cannot be compared with Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Google Chrome.
Let's see and wait, pray of course...hhehe...
Now we learn about JS or Javasript, need explanation ? sorry i'm not in mood to explain that...^_^
In this article i will share about how to disable right click mouse in your website or blog, for what ?
for avoid copy - paste ? that useless, block the object and press "CTRL + C" that object will be copied and ready for paste, so why you share that useless thing ? hhhaha..take it easy bro..
this is what i say knowledge, even useless thing is a knowledge.
Now i want to share about how to make simple form and Captcha use PHP for your website but what for is Captcha actually ? wait a minute, i'm searching it....^_^
Captcha is a type of challenge-response test used in computing as an attempt to ensure that the response is generated by a person. hmm... i doubt about this, do you think animal or tree can make Facebook account ? hhahaha...
this is what i found in Wikipedia.
What is this title about ? i can't find the right sentences for this article..hhehe.... This article is about redirecting Host use .htaccess in your root directory, so if people visited your website without typing "WWW" in address, automatically the address will change with "WWW". This is cool isn't it ? not really i guess, hhaha. just check this out for how to.
The following is a list of HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) response status codes. This includes codes from IETF internet standards as well as unstandardised RFCs,
other specifications and some additional commonly used codes. The first
digit of the status code specifies one of five classes of response; the
bare minimum for an HTTP client is that it recognises these five
classes. Microsoft IIS may use additional decimal sub-codes to provide more specific information,
but these are not listed here. The phrases used are the standard
examples, but any human-readable alternative can be provided. Unless
otherwise stated, the status code is part of the HTTP/1.1 standard.
We all know how frustrating it would be to count only on the local
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HTML adalah singkatan dari Hyper Text Markup Language adalah satu bahasa pemprograman web desaign dan juga biasa di sebut script untuk menyusun dokumen-dokumen Web. Dokumen HTML disimpan dalam format
teks reguler dan mengandung tag-tag yang memerintahkan web browser untuk
mengeksekusi perintah-perintah yang dispesifikasikan. Ini hanya sedikit contoh dasar HTML, mungkin silahkan jika ada yang mau menambahkan.
A database is a fundamental component for most web applications. If
you’re using PHP, you’re probably using MySQL–an integral part of the
LAMP stack.
PHP is relatively easy and most new developers can write functional
code within a few hours. However, building a solid, dependable database
takes time and expertise. Here are ten of the worst MySQL mistakes I’ve
made (some apply to any language/database)…
Microsoft Security Essentials provides real-time protection for
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Microsoft Security
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Trik lama yang masih woek 100%, selama facebook masih bekerja sama dengan operator memberikan akses gratis kepada penggunanya, trik ini sepertinya akan tetap bertahan..
Poatingan ini saya buat karena request dari teman di facebook dan juga sekedar sharing ilmu saja bagi yang belum tahu tentang cracking Adobe Photoshop CS5.
Iseng - iseng bikin cheat, mumpung lagi ngga ada kerjaan....hhehehe... cheat ini versi lain dari instant misi, hanya tinggal klik XP sesuai level char kita, kalau memilih XP diatas level kita pasti error ^_^ Sebelumnya kita harus menunggu dulu 10 - 15 detik jangan terlalu cepat, nyantai aja..